Thursday, February 10, 2011

Forget what you know, How is Heaven Like?

Have you ever wake up some day and ask yourself how heaven is like? Today I did.
As I put my warm feet on my cold bedroom floor, in reflex I quickly lift them up and go like, ‘I need to get a carpet like now’. Then I started questioning myself, how is heaven like?

Forget the material you have been preached with, read in some library books or taught in C.R.E class, I mean, coming up with a perfect heaven description within the self you.

Well to me, heaven is like a dream, a beautiful dream, where you don’t want to wake up. Heaven is like snow white, everything pure, fresh and soothing, that’s why lovers say, a good kiss makes you feel like you are in heaven.

In heaven you are everywhere, with your snap of your fingers, you are there, in heaven you hover around angels and get to see the Lord with naked eyes, tell me how cool that is.

Heaven holds such peace and agape love that no one lives with scars, heartaches and headaches. There is no beginning or ending, everything is controlled by the self you. There is neither sickness nor hunger, neither hurting nor tears, neither pain nor sadness, just joy and enough fulfillment.

Everything in heaven is equal, like the way in this world is seen through the eyes of a child. A child will look at a person and not judge them by the way they appear, a child will smile back to anything beautiful and invite his/her friend to their home because to him/her, there is no discrimination or rejection, everyone is equal.

These waters we see, the ocean with its wonderful sunrise and mountains with its kissing clouds ignoring the beautiful sunset because of jealous, the night of stars shinning welcoming the moon and its pregnant wonders.Their birth,is seen with our naked eyes.As we hover and shape-shift ourselves in the heavenly place, we will see how a simple drop of God’s glass of clear water makes rivers into ocean, we will see how the Lord shades tears because His people had suffered enough. In Heaven, the air we breathe is not Oxygen, it’s something else, something the gets back you energy like pap, and you can surely fly again, sing again and dance again.

Each day we live, how we live it, how we help the needy and respect each and everyone’s property. What we give out with open heart and accept with a thankful one. The less we lie and the more we speak truth, how we express love and trust God, well, that’s how we create our paradise.

Live a life that is Kingdom connected and Heaven will be your next home.

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