Tuesday, February 22, 2011

KenyaFEB28, United we Stand, Divided we fall

On February 28th  at 1pm, lets all Stand up and sing our national anthem, lets join  hands with those close and hearts to those far, let’s do it for people who are still in IDP camps, the unborn children, our neighbors, friends, lovers and families. It’s been long coming and we are almost there, only one thing remains, teaming up with one song.

Bob Marley said it in One love song, so let’s get together and feel aaaaight , let’s do it for the love that has been lost and that one that has been found or rekindled, though bad memories reside, it’s ok, it’s all yesterday, where we are going is so much beautiful and real, so let’s unite and make tomorrow better.

We have been lied to, even to those that we had put trust on. Our politicians have fed us with sweet words that we enjoy with our tongue and forget what our hearts need and simply vote them in, Maybe this day is not about this, maybe this day is not about that street child hustling for a good day only to end up in dust bins. Let’s do it again so that maybe ‘Nairobi Nights’ will publish a best seller and leave the streets.

Lets stand, unite, smile and forgive each other, there is no better way than hugging our enemies and congratulating our friends, for without us all in one, there is no better Kenya, without us having a common goal, then better tomorrow will stay in our dreams. lets stand up for ourselves and shame those against us.

Let’s forget our religions, let’s forget our color, we all got one blood and one God. It is written, God created us in his own image. We are powerful beyond measure and that’s why on this day, we unite.  Imagine uniting with that power of love, friendship, forgiveness, the power to build real homes, schools, hospitals, that power of a doctor a lawyer and a geek.

I will stand up for peace and love, above all, for better Kenya, I am tired of dreams going under and lies coming on top, I am tired of seeing people acquire wealth with no legit means, just by using people and playing cards they get what they want. I am tired seeing people on Facebook,  Twitter, blogs, with updates of getting hurt because someone did not stand up to their word, I am sick and tired because children are being raised by nannies/grandparents , because parents have to go to extreme means to bring food on the table. I am sick and tired because the current leaders I have, do not inspire me so that I can add them as my mentors. Only leaders I got are those long dead, the likes of Ouko and Tom Mboya, the likes of Masinde Muliro and Kijana Wamalwa, dear God, rest them in peace.

I want a simple Kenya, one that knows no tribe, one that creates jobs for all.

I am Kenyan and I know, United we Stand, Divided we Fall, that’s why I will stand up for Kenya on 28th  February 2011 at 1 pm and sing the National Anthem.

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